Environmental Protection & Sustainability
- Bartle, J., & Leuenberger, D., The idea of sustainable development in public administration, (2006). Public Works Management & Policy, 10(3), 191-194. [Tags: Environmental Protection, Sustainability]
- Chavas, J.P., On sustainability and the economics of survival, (1993). American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75(1), 72-83. [Tags:Environmental Protection, Sustainability]
- Greene, C.M., “Moving Towards Environmental Justice.” 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 7 June. 2013. [Tags: Environmental Protection]
- Heal, G., Reflection – defining and measuring sustainability, (2012). Review of Environmental Economics and Policy,6(1), 147-163. [Tags: Environmental Protection, Sustainability]
- King, C., & Cruickshank, M., Building capacity to engage: community engagement or government engagement? (article coming soon), (2012). Community Development Journal,47(1), 5-28. [Tags: Environmental Protection, Sustainability]
- Leuenberger, D. Z., & Wakin, M., Sustainable Development in Public Administration Planning An Exploration of Social Justice, Equity, and Citizen Inclusion; (2007). Administrative Theory & Praxis, 29(3), 394-411. [Tags: Environmental Protection, Sustainability]
- Leuenberger, D., Sustainable Development in Public Administration A Match With Practice?, (2006). Public Works Management & Policy, 10(3), 195-201. [Tags: Environmental Protection, Sustainability]
- Mercier, J., Equity, Social Justice, and Sustainable Urban Transportation in the Twenty-First Century, (2009). Administrative Theory & Praxis, 31(2), 145-163. [Tags: Environmental Protection & Sustainability]
- Olmstead, S. M., & Stavins, R. N., Three key elements of a post – 2012 international climate policy architecture, (2012). Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 6(1), 65-85. [Tags: Environmental Protection, Sustainability]
- Ostrom, E., Schroeder, L., & Wynne, S., Analyzing the Performance of Alternative Institutional Arrangements for Sustaining Rural Infrastructure in Developing Countries, (1993). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 3(1), 11-45. [Tags: Poverty, Environmental Protection & Sustainability]
- Schmalensee, R., Evaluating policies to increase electricity generation from renewable energy, (2012). Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 6(1), 45-64. [Tags: Environmental Protection, Sustainability]
- Woodward, R., Sustainability as intergenerational fairness: efficiency, uncertainty, and numerical methods, (2000). American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 82(3), 581-593. [Tags: ]
- Zimmerman, R., Social Equity and Environmental Risk, (1993), Risk Analysis, 13: 649–666. [Tags: Environmental Protection, Sustainability]