
Recent Announcements

June 15, 2013: Conference Evaluation  

Thank you for attending the 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference at NC State University.  It was our pleasure to host the conference in Raleigh this year.  Please help us make this conference better next year by filling out the conference evaluation survey online at: Conference Survey .

Jade Berry James and Tracey Ray, 2013 Conference Co-Chairs

June 12, 2013: NASPAA Site Training 

A large group of individuals stuck around after the 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference and participated in NASPAA Site Visitor Training.  Additional information about NASPAA Training can be found here:  NASPAA Training Site

June 7, 2013 – Wilder School Social Equity and Public Policy 2013 Research Award Winner

Congratulations to Jason A. Grissom and Lael R. Keiser for their excellent work:  “A Supervisor Like Me: Race, Representation, and the Satisfaction and Turnover Decisions of Public Sector Employees”.  Please take a few minutes and read over their article!

Wilder School Social Equity and Public Policy 2013 Research Award Winning Article


May 28, 2013- H. George Frederickson’s presentation is available!

Check it out here!

May 25, 2013- Make sure to let us know which of the conference events you will be attending!

If you have not done so already, please take a few seconds to complete this survey. It will really help us to ensure each wonderful event runs smoothly!!

Click here to take the survey

May 24, 2013 -M.E. Sharp, Inc. will be at the Conference!!

For all attendees, M.E. Sharp, Inc. is offering a 20% discount on any books ordered at the conference. Order forms will be available at the M.E. Sharp, Inc. display table

May 22, 2013 – Transportation Services from RDU to DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel 

Tel: 919-599-8100

Rite Choice
Tel1: 919-255-1155
Tel2: 919-493-8688

White Horse Transportation
Tel: 919-782-5893

April 25, 2013

The Social Equity Leadership Conference team would like to thank Dean Jeff Braden for his support!  Please view Dean Braden’s short message on the importance of not just “talking the social equity talk, but walking the social equity walk”! 

Dean Jeff Braden’s Welcome Video