Policing & Corrections
- Avdija, A., Evidence-Based Policing: A Comparative Analysis of Eight Experimental Studies focused in the area of Targeted Policing, (2008). International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, 3 (2), 110-128. [Tags: Policing & Corrections]
- Evans, W., The White/Black Educational Gap, Stalled Progress, and the Long-Term Consequences of the Crack Epidemic, (2012) National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 18437. [Tags: Education, Policing and Corrections, At-Risk Communities]
- Greenberg, J., Reactions to Procedural Injustice in Payment Distributions: Do The Means Justify the Ends?, (1987). Journal of Applied Psychology, 72(1), 55. [Tags: Policing & Corrections]
- Grube-Farrell, B., Women, Work, and Occupational Segregation in the Uniformed Services, (2002). Affilia, 17(3), 332-353.[Tags: Policing and Corrections]
- Harris, L., “The Effects of Local-Level Culture on Prison Reentry.” 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 6 June. 2013. [Tags: Policing & Corrections]
- Kang, S., & Cook, P., Birthdays, Schooling, and Crime: New Evidence on the Dropout-Crime Nexus (2013). National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper 18791. [Tags: Aging and the Elderly, Education, Policing and Corrections]
- Matthews, C., Monk-Turner, E., & Sumter, M., Promotional Opportunities: How Women in Corrections Perceive their Chances for Advancement at Work, (2010). Gender Issues, 27(1-2), 53-66. [Tags: Policing and Corrections]
- Oldfield, K., Social Class and Public Administration: A Closed Question Opens, (2003). Administration & Society, 35(4), 438-461. [Tags: Policing & Corrections, Social Equity Policy, Poverty]
- Taxman, F. S., & Gordon, J. A., Do Fairness and Equity Matter? An Examination of Organizational Justice Among Correctional Officers in Adult Prisons, (2009). Criminal Justice and Behavior, 36(7), 695-711. [Tags: Policing and Corrections]
- Theobald, N. A., & Haider-Markel, D. P., Race, Bureaucracy, and Symbolic Representation: Interactions between Citizens and Police, (2009). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 19(2), 409-426. [Tags: Policing & Corrections]