Education & Inclusive Excellence
- Angrist, J. D., Dynarski, S. M., Kane, T. J., Pathak, P. A., & Walters, C. R., Who Benefits from KIPP?, (2012). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 31.4: 837-860. [Tags: Education]
- Castillo, J., Dillard, K., Foster, C. “Literacy & Social Justice Youth Development.” 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 5 June. 2013. [Tags: Education & Inclusive Excellence]
- Cook, P. J., and Kang, S., Birthdays, Schooling, and Crime: New Evidence on the Dropout-Crime Nexus, (2013). National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper 18791. [Tags: Aging and the Elderly, Education, Policing and Corrections]
- Couch, K. A., & Bifulco, R., Can Nonexperimental Estimates Replicate Estimates Based on Random Assignment in Evaluations of School Choice? A Within-Study Comparison, (2012). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 31(3), 729-751. [Tags: Education]
- Evans, W. N., Garthwaite, C., Moore, T.J., The White/Black Educational Gap, Stalled Progress, and the Long-Term Consequences of the Crack Epidemic, (2012), National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 18437. [Tags: Education, Policing and Corrections, At-Risk Communities]
- Glazerman, S., & Max, J., Do Low-Income Students Have Equal Access to the Highest-Performing Teachers?, (2011). U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, NCEE Evaluation Brief ED-04-CO-0112/007. [Tags: Education]
- Grissom, J. & Keiser, L., A Supervisor Like Me: Race Representation, and the Satisfaction and Turnover Decisions of Public Sector Employees, (2011), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 30, No. 3, 557–580 (Wilder School Social Equity and Public Policy 2013 Research Award)
- Kaur, B., Equity and social justice in teaching and teacher education, (Erratum), (2012). Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(4), 485-492. [Tags: Education ]
- Ladd, H., Education and Poverty: Confronting the Evidence, (2012), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 31.2: 203-227. [Tags: Education, Immigration]
- Milem, J. F., Chang, M. J., & Antonio, A. L., Making Diversity Work on Campus: A Research-Based Perspective, (2005). Association of American Colleges and Universities. [Tags: Education, Inclusive Excellence]
- Norman-Major, K. “Walking the Talk: Do Public Systems Have the Infrastructure Necessary to Implement and Enforce LGBT and Gender Identity Rights?” 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 6 June. 2013. [Tags: Education & Inclusive Excellence]
- Picart, J., Moten-Tolson, P., Wright, A., Hathcock, R. “The Raleigh Promise: Increasing Educational Opportunity and Success of Disadvantaged Urban Youth.” 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 5 June. 2013. [Tags: Education & Inclusive Excellence]
- Reardon, S. F., Grewal, E. T., Kalogrides, D., & Greenberg, E., Brown Fades: The End of Court?Ordered School Desegregation and the Resegregation of American Public Schools,(2012). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management,31(4), 876-904. [Tags: Education ]
- Tuttle, C. C., Gill, B., Gleason, P., Knechtel, V., Nichols-Barrer, I., & Resch, A., KIPP Middle Schools: Impacts on Achievement and Other Outcomes, (2013). Mathematica Policy Research Final Report No. 06441.910. [Tags: Education]
- Williams, D., Achieving Inclusive Excellence: Strategies for Creating Real and Sustainable Change in Quality and Diversity, (2007), About Campus, 12: 8–14. [Tags: Education, Inclusive Excellence]
Inclusive Excellence
- Banks, K, A Qualitative Investigation of White Students’ Perceptions of Diversity,(2009), Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 2.3: 149-155. [Tags: Education, Inclusive Excellence]
- Clayton-Pedersen, A., Clayton-Pedersen, S., Making Excellence Inclusive in Education and Beyond,(2008), Pepperdine Law Review, 35 (3), 611-648. [Tags: Inclusive Excellence]
- Meier, K. J., Wrinkle, R. D., & Polinard, J. L., Equity Versus Excellence in Organizations A Substantively Weighted Least Squares Analysis, (1999). The American Review of Public Administration, 29(1), 5-18. [Tags: Inclusive Excellence ]
- Milem, J. F., Chang, M. J., & Antonio, A. L., Making Diversity Work on Campus: A Research-Based Perspective, (2005). Association of American Colleges and Universities. [Tags: Education, Inclusive Excellence]
- Naylor, L. A., “Federal Benefits and Same Sex Couples: DOMA” [Presentation]. “Separate but Equal: U.S. Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships” [Panel]. 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 7 June. 2013. [Tags: Disparity Research, Inclusive Excellence]
- Williams, D., Achieving Inclusive Excellence: Strategies for Creating Real and Sustainable Change in Quality and Diversity, (2007), About Campus, 12: 8–14. [Tags: Education, Inclusive Excellence]