Education & Inclusive Excellence


  •  Angrist, J. D., Dynarski, S. M., Kane, T. J., Pathak, P. A., & Walters, C. R., Who Benefits from KIPP?, (2012). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 31.4: 837-860. [Tags: Education]
  • Castillo, J., Dillard, K., Foster, C.Literacy & Social Justice Youth Development.” 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 5 June. 2013. [Tags: Education & Inclusive Excellence]

Inclusive Excellence 

  • Naylor, L. A., Federal Benefits and Same Sex Couples: DOMA” [Presentation]. “Separate but Equal: U.S. Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships” [Panel].  12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 7 June. 2013. [Tags: Disparity Research, Inclusive Excellence]