Social Equity
- Bozeman, B., A Theory of Government “Red Tape”, (1993). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 3(3), 273-304. [Tags: Bureaucracy Theory and Structure]
- Brewer, G. A., & Selden, S. C., Why Elephants Gallop: Assessing and Predicting Organizational Performance in Federal Agencies, (2000). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 10(4), 685-712. [Tags: Organizational Performance Measures]
- Chun, Y. H., & Rainey, H. G., Goal Ambiguity in U.S. Federal Agencies,(2005). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 15(1), 1-30. [Tags: Organizational Performance Measures]
- Collins, B. K., & Gerber, B. J., Taken for Granted: Managing for Social Equity in Grant Programs, (2008). Public Administration Review, 68(6), 1128-1141. [Tags: Social Equity Policy]
- DeHart-Davis, L., Green Tape: A Theory of Effective Organizational Rules, (2009). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 19(2), 361-384. [Tags: Organizational Performance Measures, Public Management]
- DeLeon, P., & DeLeon, L., What Ever Happened to Policy Implementation? An Alternative Approach, (2002). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 12(4), 467-492. [Tags: Policy Implementation]
- Dilulio, J., Principled Agents: The Cultural Bases of Behavior in a Federal Government Bureaucracy, (1994). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 4(3), 277-318. [Tags: Bureaucracy Theory, Bureaucratic Behavior]
- Ewoh, A., Managing and Valuing Diversity: Challenges to Public Managers in the 21st Century , (2013). Public Personnel Management, 42(2) 107–122.
- Font, S. A., Berger, L. M., & Slack, K. S., Examining Racial Disproportionality in Child Protective Services Case Decisions, (2012), Children and Youth Services Review. [Tags: Social Equity]
- Frederickson, H. G., The State of Social Equity in American Public Administration, (2005). National Civic Review, 94(4), 31-38. [Tags: Social Equity]
- Frederickson, H. George. “Thick Social Equity.” 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 6 June. 2013.
- Green, R., Common Law, Equity, and American Public Administration, (2002). The American Review of Public Administration, 32(3), 263-294.[Tags: Social Equity]
- Glaser, M. A., Hildreth, W. B., McGuire, B. J., & Bannon, C., Frederickson’s Social Equity Agenda Applied, (2011). Public Integrity, 14(1), 19-38. [Tags: Social Equity]
- Glaser, M., Social Equity and the Public Interest, (2012). Public Administration Review, 72(s1), 14-15. [Tags: Social Equity Policy]
- Golden, M.M., Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect: Bureaucratic Responses to Presidential Control during the Reagan Administration, (1992). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2(1), 29-62. [Tags: Disparities in Political Voice and Influence, Bureaucracy Theory]
- Gooden,S., D. Jones, K. Martin, M. Boyd, Social Equity in Local Emergency Management Planning, (2009). State and Local Government Review, 41.1: 1-12. [Tags: Social Equity Policy]
- Guy, M. E., & McCandless, S. A., Social Equity, Its Legacy, Its Promise, (2012). Public Administration Review, 72(s1), 5-13. [Tags: Social Equity Policy]
- Hefetz, A., & Warner, M., Privatization and Its Reverse: Explaining the Dynamics of the Government Contracting Process, (2004). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 14(2), 171-190. [Tags: Nonprofits, Bureaucracy Theory and Structure]
- Hood, C., & Peters, G., The Middle Aging of New Public Management: Into the Age of Paradox?, (2004). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 14(3), 267-282. [Tags: Public Management]
- Jameson, J. K., Metelsky, B. “Nonprofit Board Governance: Challenges of Inclusivity and Voice.” 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 6 June. 2013. [Tags: Nonprofits]
- Johnson, R., Promoting Social Equity in Public Administration: A Much Needed Topic in the Twenty-First Century, (2012), Public Administration Review, 72: 471–473. [Tags: Social Equity Policy]
- Jones, B. D., & Baumgartner, F. R., A Model of Choice for Public Policy, (2005). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 15(3), 325-351. [Tag: Policy Implementation]
- Lovrich, N., Policy Partnering Between the Public and the Not-for-Profit Private Sectors: A Key Policy Lever or a Dire Warning of Difficulty Ahead?, (1999). American Behavioral Scientist, 43(1), 177-191. [Tags: Nonprofits]
- Mason, M., Wolfinger, N. H., & Goulden, M. Do babies matter?: Gender and family in the ivory tower (families in focus). (2013). New York: Rutgers University Press. [Tags: Social Equity]
- Matland, R., Synthesizing the Implementation Literature: The Ambiguity-Conflict Model of Policy Implementation, (1995). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 5(2), 145-174. [Tags: Policy Implementation]
- May, P. J., & Winter, S. C., Politicians, Managers, and Street-Level Bureaucrats: Influences on Policy Implementation, (2009). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 19(3), 453-476. [Tags: Policy Implementation]
- Maynard-Moody, S. and Musheno, M., Social Equities and Inequities in Practice: Street-Level Workers as Agents and Pragmatists, (2012), Public Administration Review, 72: 16–23. [Tags: Social Equity Policy]
- Miller, W. H., Kerr, B., & Ritter, G., School Performance Measurement Politics and Equity, (2008). The American Review of Public Administration, 38(1), 100-117. [Tags: Education, Social Equity Policy]
- Milward, H. Brinton; University of Arizona, Governing the Hollow State, Milward, H. B., & Provan, K. G. (2000). “Governing the hollow state.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 10(2), 359-380. [Tags: Nonprofits]
- Moe, T., Integrating Politics and Organizations: Positive Theory and Public Administration, (1994). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART, 4(1), 17-25. [Tags: Bureaucracy Theory and Structure]
- Oldfield, K., Candler, G., & Johnson, R. G., Social Class, Sexual Orientation, and Toward Proactive Social Equity Scholarship, (2006). The American Review of Public Administration, 36(2), 156-172. [Tags: Social Equity]
- Oldfield, K., Social Class and Public Administration: A Closed Question Opens, (2003). Administration & Society, 35(4), 438-461. [Tags: Policing & Corrections, Social Equity Policy, Poverty]
- Oldfield, K., Reflections on Theory in Action: Using Critical Theory to Teach Public Administration Students about Social Class Inequities, (2010). Administrative Theory & Praxis, 32(3), 450-472. [Tags: Social Equity Policy]
- Olsen, R. B., Orr, L. L., Bell, S. H., & Stuart, E. A., External Validity in Policy Evaluations that Choose Sites Purposively (2013). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 32(1), 107-121. [Tags: Social Equity Policy]
- Ortega, R., G. Plagens, P. Stephens, and R. M. Berry-James, Mexican American Public Sector Professionals: Perceptions of Affirmative Action Policies and Workplace Discrimination (March 2012). Review of Public Personnel Administration. 32(1), pp. 24-44. [Workplace Discrimination, Affirmative Action]
- O’Toole, L., The Implications for Democracy in a Networked Bureaucratic World, (1997). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 7(3), 443-459. [Tags: Bureaucracy Theory & Bureaucratic Behavior]
- Overman, E. S., & Boyd, K. J., Best Practice Research and Postbureaucratic Reform, (1994). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 4(1), 67-84. [Tags: Bureaucracy Theory and Structure]
- Riccucci, N., The Pursuit of Social Equity in the Federal Government: A Road Less Traveled?, (2009). Public Administration Review, 69(3), 373-382. [Tags: Social Equity Policy]
- Romzek, B. S., & Johnston, J. M., Effective Contract Implementation and Management: A Preliminary Model, (2002). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 12(3), 423-453. [Tags: Nonprofits, Policy Implementation]
- Taliaferro, J., Gaynor, T., Toenes, C. “Teaching The Wire: Contemporary Analysis of Social Welfare Problems & Solutions.” 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference [Conference]. Raleigh. 7 June. 2013. [Tags: Disparity Research, Social Equity]
- Van Slyke, D.M., Agents or Stewards: Using Theory to Understand the Government-Nonprofit Social Service Contracting Relationship, (2007). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 17(2), 157-187. [Tags: Nonprofits]
- West, W.F., Searching for a Theory of Bureaucratic Structure, (1997). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 7(4), 591-614. [Tags: Bureaucracy Theory and Structure]
- Whitford, A.B., Bureaucratic Discretion, Agency Structure, and Democratic Responsiveness: The Case of the United States Attorneys, (2002). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 12(1), 3-27. [Tags: Bureaucracy Theory, Democratic Responsiveness]