Paying by Check or Purchase Order
If you are paying by check or purchase order, please make your check or money order payable to North Carolina State University and mail within 10 days to:
ATTN: Wendy Giddens
Campus Box 7530
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7530
Paying by Credit Card
If you are paying by credit card, please click the link below and the payment page will open in another tab/window in your browser.
When entering your credit card payment, the “Company Name” is [your organization], the “Contact Name” is [your name], the “Payment Purpose” is SELC, the NCSU Contact Name is Wendy Giddens, and the Project Number is 385758. Please be sure to specify your [payment amount]. The other fields may be left blank.
Thank you, and we hope you enjoy the conference!